Kard believes that today’s consumer needs a comprehensive rewards solution that helps them find new brands and keeps them coming back to brands they love. By partnering with challenger banks, we’re bringing undiscovered audiences to spend with your brand.
The challenger bank industry is growing rapidly, with over 77 million people in the US planning to open an account with one in the next year. Especially popular with younger Millennials and Gen Z, the space is poised to capture consumers who are traditionally underserved by financial institutions, opening up new audiences for merchant offers.
The Goal
Though Burger King has nearly universal brand awareness, share of market remains an important metric as they compete against other hamburger chains. Burger King ran this campaign with a focus on capturing the attention of upcoming generations. Maximizing on technological capabilities will ease Burger King’s entrance into an age of new customer acquisition with a frequent and loyal consumer base.
The Results
- Cardholders accessed the offer within their banking app, which included a map of participating Burger King locations nearby.
- Average transaction value during the campaign increased a whopping 25% vs. the prior year ($10 vs. $7.50).
- The offer encouraged a 15% increase in the average number of visits -- 1.5x compared to just 1.3x the prior year.
- Nearly 70% of customers who used the offer once made another purchase within two weeks. Notably, locations in Georgia averaged 5.5 visits per store!
- Overall, Burger King generated $121K in total transaction revenue, an uptick of 33% vs. last year, driven by the campaign.

The Conclusion
By running this card-linked offer, Burger King saw increased transaction value and visit frequency across Kard’s user base of Millennial and Gen Z audiences, important building blocks to capturing greater market share over time.